Saturday, November 26, 2011

Betty Coe's Thanksgiving Dressing

This recipe comes from my grandma, Betty Coe.

2 large loaves of good white bread, sliced. Lay out on platters or trays for 2-3 days to dry. Cut into squares.

2 onions (2 1/2 -3” in diameter) chopped.
8 ribs of celery, chopped.

Sauté onion and celery in 2 sticks of butter (may sauté the day before & refrigerate overnight).

3 eggs, beaten.

Add to taste:
3 Tablespoons ground sage
3/4 - 1 Tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Mix in the celery/onion/butter with eggs/bread/spices. Add turkey stock until bread is moist but not soggy (at least a cup; you have to go by consistency says my mom).

Bake uncovered in two pans, 9x13" and a smaller one. 350ºF/175ºC conventional / 120ºC forced fan for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Notes for next time: I used a very delicious white sourdough from the market. The loaves were bigger than a store-bought loaf, and I should have used 50% less bread. I used a rushed stock that didn't have much flavor…I can do much better than that.

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